Monday, April 13, 2015

HG Gundam Amazing Exia Build Report

For my birthday a friend that knows I think Exia is one sexy Gundam got me one of the Build Fighters version gunpla, HG Gundam Amazing Exia.  Here's a report of me building it.  Please excuse the poor photography.

Cover of the Manual

Some of the awesome features I'll be building!  Anyone know how to rotate pics in blogger?

Starting off with the head - very similar to Exia, but a different "V" fin.

Now we're cookin'!  The intakes on either side of the green circle on his chest (the GN-Drive) can lock in place, making the torso feel very solid, or disconnect for more mobility.  Very cool feature.

Bottom half.  Let's connect!

The base unit.  Very flexible, with cleverly hidden double-jointed knees.

His GN-Sword.  This is very similar to the Exia Repair II's sword, but with a different buckler that can ...

Emit a very long beam sword!  Or ...

Become a beam gun, or ...

Fold into a physical sword, with a green GN blade.

More weapons and accessories.  The fins on the shield can retract.

Here's the all-new Amazing Pack, which transforms this kit from a slightly different Exia into Amazing Exia.

It can transform itself, resembling a bird.

I attaches to Exia's back, replacing his GN-Drive's position.

Fully armed.

The Pack's wings separate into huge arm-blades.

And that's HG Gundam Amazing Exia.  A fun build, and the final figure has many gimmicks and interchangeable parts.  Definitely a great gunpla.

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