Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Ecchi Figures

Although I am a Japanese toy collector, I am not a collector of ecchi, ero or any kind of "sexy" figures, which are a sizeable chunk of the figure market in Japan.  I have no problem with such figures existing and I do not judge those who buy them.

I'm an action and adventure fan.  The types of franchises that excite me are usually sci-fi, fantasy or heroic, which often lack ecchi themes.  So, when I purchase a figure to support something I like, it has a low chance of being an ecchi figure to begin with.  However, many fictional universes crossover between the two, so there are still figures of properties I appreciate that are quite sexy.  I still tend to avoid these figures, and here's why:

Looking at or posing a figure evokes memories of the franchise by being recognizable characters from it.  They also evoke a similar sense of style.  A figure from an action movie will evoke a sense of action, simply by its nature.  An armored techno-samurai looks fierce and cool on a shelf, regardless of knowing the source material.  The visceral sense of a figure is delivered though it's style, pose and form, in addition to what show, game or book it came from.

Sexy figures, therefore, evoke a sense of eroticism, just by being erotic to some degree.  Eroticism is not bad, and can be felt powerfully through many mediums, including figures.  However, it is not a feeling I'm interested in, with regard to figures.  I'm interested in cool, action-oriented and fierce looking characters.  They are often sexy too, but, if the feeling of sexyness overpowers the sense of action in a figure, I quickly lose interest.

There are other feelings a figure can bring out that I tend to avoid, such as comedy or horror.  These are not nearly as predominant as sexyness in the Japanese figure collecting industry, but I do not collect them for identical reasons.

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