TAG Hobby (taghobby.com) I followed the toy blogger Cybergundam here from his old blog. I believe it's a Hong Kong blog, but mainly focuses on Japanese toys. TAG stands for Toy Anime Game, and they report on all three. I only follow their toy news, so this review only applies to that third. My favorite site these days, they seem to have the most comprehensive coverage of upcoming announcements and releases. Their show coverage is nothing to sneeze at, either. As it is written in Chinese (I assume) I have to use the decent amount of English they write in or the numerous large pictures they post. 4/5 Ninja Stars
Tomopop (tomopop.com) A relatively new site, Tomopop is related to Destructoid. Like Destructoid, their articles are kinda mish-mashy, meaning they cover random bits from around the web. Lots of inaccuracies and missed headlines, it's nonetheless got a good community and some really fun reads. I wouldn't use it as a main news source, it's much better as a fun place to read up on latest trends. 2/5 Ninja Stars
AmiAmi Blog (amiamiblog.com) This blog has been around for awhile in Japanese, but is now in English too. Not a great news site for catching all the upcoming toys, it has some good reviews and daily Japanese toy/anime/game news in batch updates that are easy to digest. They also do a weekly illustration, which is kinda cute, if you're into that. 2/5 Ninja Stars
CollectionDX (collectiondx.com) They really only do reviews, which are quite good. But as a news place, they're terrible. 1/5 Ninja Stars
Gundam Century (gundamcentury.com) A very good news site from Indonesia, but in English. Not quite as thorough as TAG, but very similar. 3/5 Ninja Stars
GunJap (gunjap.net) Focused mainly on gunpla and, to a lesser extent, plamo, they still have news about other toys sometimes. They also feature great finished models, including customs, which are a fun way to break up the toy announcements. 2/5 Ninja Stars
Mechanical Japan (mechanicaljapan.com) A Mexican site written in Spanish, they, nonetheless, have some great news and reviews. (Pictures do most of the heavy lifting for non-Spanish speakers.) They also have impressive show coverage. 3/5 Ninja Stars
Neko Magic (nekomagic.com) Focuses on Bishoujo figures. Has some of, if not THE, best show coverage I've ever come across. I follow for that reason alone. Be advised, however, they usually post show pics a few days later than other sites. 3/5 Ninja Stars
Plasticity (plastikitty.com) Plastikitty is very similar to Neko Magic, but seems to update much less often. 2/5 Ninja Stars
Hobby Search Blog (1999.co.jp/eng/blog) A translation of the Japanese Hobby Search Blog, they eschew wide coverage for in-depth previews and reviews. Expect lots of pictures (many taken by the blogger) and opinions. 2/5 Ninja Stars
Prize Get! (http://prizeget.livejournal.com) This blog starkly updates with the latest prize toys from Japan, but is incredibly thorough, with links for every item. Great for covering prize toys, but obviously not good for much else. 3/5 Ninja Stars
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