Friday, May 13, 2016

My Collection

Hello, all.  Been awhile.  Lots of people ask to see pictures of my collection, so I thought that might make an interesting blog post.  (please note: these were taken at different times.)  So .., here we go!

Here's my living room.
Another angle of the living room.  I must admit, sports are a rarity on my TV ...

Let's take a close up on that shelf ...

Whaaat ... ?

Panoramic of my collection room.  Apologies for the yellow white-balance.

The view as you enter.

The East Wall.

North wall, 1 of 2.

North wall, 2 of 2.

South wall, 1 of 2.

South Wall, 2 of 2.

West wall.  The wood shelves came with the house.  I need one more shelf for the top left ...

Every collection needs a detolf, right?
So, there you have it.  Hope you enjoyed it!  I know I have over the years.

If you have any questions about what's in my collection, or how I set-up that room, feel free to leave a comment or message me.  Till next time.

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